Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blondet & Co is proud to announce the launch of Planeta Feliz, its newest and most significant addition yet.

Planeta Feliz is a non-profit organization dedicated to help create a happier, more sustainable world through education, medical care, small business development, structural work and humanitarian assistance — one family, one community at a time.

Areas of Concentration:

1. Education – one of our main areas of focus is education. We believe education is the most important pillar in the development of a country, so we work hard to improve it for the present and future generations. Some of our program solutions include the development of centers for children, teens, young adults and adults. Centers will be equipped with technology to be used as learning tools for the young and as training tools for professionals in various fields.
2. Medical Care – good health is vital for the improvement of a nation, and that’s why we strive to provide the necessary tools to achieve well-being in communities around the world. Among our efforts to promote health, we provide medical staff support, develop partnerships to prevent and reduce the spreading of diseases, and support health initiatives to supply essential health services.
3. Small Business Development (SBD) – we believe that the development of small enterprises is key to advancing progress and ceasing poverty. Our SBD initiatives include the organization and creation of small ventures that will generate sustainable jobs in the communities we serve. In turn, these jobs will help reduce unemployment, while producing necessary resources for the community’s economic growth. PF provides managerial and technological training and support, facilitates business services necessary for aspiring entrepreneurs to become competitive in their respective fields. We also help them get financial assistance for their business through other organizations and institutions.
4. Structural Work – everyone deserves a suitable and safe place to live. It’s incredibly hard to teach and learn when a school doesn’t have functioning lights, furniture or a roof. It’s PF’s mission to help communities around the world with the construction and renovation of homes, schools, hospitals and essential service centers.
5. Humanitarian Assistance – when an earthquake shakes the Pacific, a hurricane hits the Caribbean, or war leaves people homeless, PF wants to be there to assist in one way or another. We partner with NGOs, churches and other organizations to provide food, water and clothing, as well as medical, educational and agricultural supplies and equipment to those in need.

Visit for more information.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

International Trader and Logistics

International Trader and Logistics is a partner of Blondet & Co which provides services to all of Blondet & Co customers. As a full service trader and logistic provider, with ITL you can get all of our logistics solutions in one place, taking advantage of our synergies to keep your business busy at top efficiency all year.

Complete Solutions service you could need when dealing in global markets. From logistics to consulting, we keep you products moving around the globe.

Cafe Blondet is Here!!!

For those of you that aren’t aware of the existence and/or history of this coffee, for years the coffee industry in Puerto Rico faced uncertainty but always managed to maintain its high quality. In the mid XIX century, a couple of families, among those the Blondet-Bloise family followed the tradition of cultivating and elaborating a coffee of excellence, great both in flavor and aroma.
Around 1928, Luis Blondet Delanoy (known as Don Lilí), a visionary merchant, dedicated himself to the elaboration of excellent Puerto Rican coffee. This exquisite first quality hulled grain was then toasted and packaged in his establishment located in Guayama, a city in the southeastern coast of the island.
Affluent and important people would drive long distances to Guayama, exclusively to sample and buy this delicious coffee. The surrounding areas and recreational plaza would be infused with the delightful aroma that came out of the chimney every time the coffee was toasted.
It was also customary to receive family and friends in the establishment to mingle while enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee. In a time of strong competition within the coffee industry, the Blondet family has managed to always stand out with their excellent product.
A few months ago, thanks to the members of the Blondet Family, the tradition has been revived and we would like to share it with you.

For more information please visit or Also, visit to read the article about the history of our Café Blondet.